Isaiah’s Structure from Random Forest Regression Analysis

  •  Richard J. Butler    


This is the first paper to analyze the tripartite linguistic structure of Isaiah using Random Forest Regression, a supervised machine learning statistical approach.  By predicting the occurrences of ‘judgment’ and ‘hope’ verses, we examine the threefold structure of Isaiah (section 1--chapters 1-39; section 2--chapters 40-55; and section 3--chapters 56-66) for differences in expression within and between each section. We find more inter-sectional homogeneity between sections 1 and 2 than between sections 1 and 3 or between sections 2 and 3, with respect to both judgment and hope word structures. Moreover, analysis of the judgment-vs-hope word structure indicate that section 3 heterogeneity differs significantly from sections 1 and 2 homogeneity, reinforcing the hypothesis that there is indeed a post-exilic authorship of section 3 (Isaiah 56-66).

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9655
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9663
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

Journal Metrics

Google-based Impact Factor (2017): 5.42
h-index (January 2018): 11
i10-index (January 2018): 21
h5-index (January 2018): 6
h5-median (January 2018): 9

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