Vol. 4, No. 3 (2015), Sustainable Agriculture Research
- Innovations in Organic Food Systems for Sustainable Production and Ecosystem Services: An Introduction to the Special Issue of Sustainable Agriculture Research
- Ellen Mallory
- Niels Halberg
- Lise Andreasen
- Kathleen Delate
- Mathieu Ngouajio
- p1
- A Review of Long-Term Organic Comparison Trials in the U.S.
- Kathleen Delate
- Cynthia Cambardella
- Craig Chase
- Robert Turnbull
- p5
- Optimising Cropping Techniques for Nutrient and Environmental Management in Organic Agriculture
- Ulrich Kopke
- Miriam Athmann
- Eusun Han
- Timo Kautz
- p15
- Functional Biodiversity in Organic Systems: The Way Forward?
- Paolo Barberi
- p26
- Supporting Innovation in Organic Agriculture: A European Perspective Using Experience from the SOLID Project
- Susanne Padel
- Mette Vaarst
- Konstantinos Zaralis
- p32
- Enhancing Yields in Organic Crop Production by Eco-Functional Intensification
- Erik Jensen
- Laurent Bedoussac
- Georg Carlsson
- Etienne-Pascal Journet
- Eric Justes
- Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen
- p42
- The Role of Trees and Pastures in Organic Agriculture
- Joseph Heckman
- p51
- Water Quality in Organic Systems
- Cynthia Cambardella
- Kathleen Delate
- Dan Jaynes
- p60
- Organic No-Till with Roller Crimpers: Agro-ecosystem Services and Applications in Organic Mediterranean Vegetable Productions
- Stefano Canali
- Mariangela Diacono
- Gabriele Campanelli
- Francesco Montemurro
- p70
- Managing Bees for Delivering Biological Control Agents and Improved Pollination in Berry and Fruit Cultivation
- Heikki Hokkanen
- Ingeborg Menzler-Hokkanen
- Marja-Leena Lahdenpera
- p89
- Soil Health and Related Ecosystem Services in Organic Agriculture
- Lynette Abbott
- David Manning
- p116
- Eco-functional Intensification and Food Security: Synergy or Compromise?
- Niels Halberg
- P. Panneerselvam
- Sebastien Treyer
- p126
- Keeping the Actors in the Organic System Learning: The Role of Organic Farmers’ Experiments
- Christian Vogl
- Susanne Kummer
- Friedrich Leitgeb
- Christoph Schunko
- Magdalena Aigner
- p140
- Are Organic Standards Sufficient to Ensure Sustainable Agriculture? Lessons From New Zealand’s ARGOS and Sustainability Dashboard Projects
- Charles Merfield
- Henrik Moller
- Jon Manhire
- Chris Rosin
- Solis Norton
- Peter Carey
- Lesley Hunt
- John Reid
- John Fairweather
- Jayson Benge
- Isabelle Quellec
- Hugh Campbell
- David Lucock
- Caroline Saunders
- Catriona MacLeod
- Andrew Barber
- Alaric McCarthy
- p158
- Organic Research and Development in Denmark (1996-2010) – Effects on the Organic Sector and Society
- Lise Andreasen
- Ilse Rasmussen
- Niels Halberg
- p173
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
- Joan LeeEditorial Assistant
- sar@ccsenet.org