The Degree to Which Secondary School Teachers in Public Schools Accept the Use of Transformative Leadership by Their Principals from Their Perspective

  •  Rahmeh Abbaas B. Alhameedyeen    


The study aimed at identifying the degree to which secondary school teachers in public schools accept the use of transformative leadership by their principals from their perspective. The study used the descriptive method, and developed a questionnaire containing (20) paragraphs. The validity and reliability of the study tool has been verified. The study population contains the working teachers of high schools of the first semester of the academic year 2017-2018. They were taken among secondary public schools at Zarqa Education Principalate II. A random sample of 250 teachers was taken. The study concluded the following results:

-      The mean averages and standard deviations showed that the degree to which secondary school teachers in public schools accept the use of transformative leadership by their principals from their perspective was moderate. Therefore, the study recommends that teachers be introduced to the importance of transformative leadership and give training courses to activate the application of transformative management in secondary public schools.

-      There are statistically significant differences in the grades of study's sample of the degree to which secondary school teachers in public schools accept the use of transformative leadership by their principals from their perspective due to gender variable that was in favor of males. Therefore, the study recommends holding training courses for secondary school teachers to apply in their schools.

-      There are statistically significant differences in the grades of study's sample of the degree to which secondary school teachers in public schools accept the use of transformative leadership by their principals from their perspective due to experience variable. Therefore, the study recommends that secondary school teachers in public schools should be informed of their experience from 1-10 years on this style of leadership.

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