Evaluating of Noise Pollution in the Airside of Imam Khomeini International Airport

  •  Shabani Sh.    
  •  Zarei Sh.    


Detection, measurement and monitoring of environmental pollution are considered as one of the decision basics in the environmental management. Principle planning for solving environmental problems is not possible without reliance to assured measurement with the help of new and powerful systems in monitoring. In this regard the noise pollution of airports is of great importance. In this paper by using device analysis method and utilizing a calibrated sound level meter device, sources of noise pollution recognition, noise and sound pressure level measurement, evaluation and comparison of them with environmental standards, and airside control actions of the Imam Khomeini international airport have been performed and it was showed, that the runway, ground safety and the dock have been respectively the main pollutants, so that noise pollution in the Apron area and runway at night have been 80.7% more than Iran standards and the ground safety site while alarm broadcasting has been 53.1% at daytime and 61.1% at night more than standards and these values for Dock has been 20.88% and also the value of noise pollutants in water refinery sites, watchtower, taxi parking and pilgrim terminals have met standards. Finally some solutions against noise pollution have been proposed.

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