The Exponentiated Burr XII Poisson Distribution with Application to Lifetime Data
- Ronaldo V. da Silva
- Frank Gomes-Silva
- Manoel Wallace A. Ramos
- Gauss M. Cordeiro
A five-parameter distribution, called the exponentiated Burr XII Poisson distribution, is defined and studied. The model has as special sub-models some important lifetime distributions discussed in the literature, such as the logistic, log-logistic, Weibull, Burr XII and exponentiated Burr XII distributions, among several others. We derive the ordinary and incomplete moments, generating and quantile functions, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, mean deviations, reliability and two types of entropy. The order statistics and their moments are investigated. The method of maximum likelihood is proposed for estimating the model parameters. We obtain the observed information matrix. An application to a real data set demonstrates that the new distribution can provide a better fit than other classical lifetime models. We hope that this generalization may attract wider applications in reliability, biology and survival analysis.