The Compatibility of the Services Provided to Students of Accounting Departments in Jordanian Private Universities with the Standards of Academic Quality Assurance in Jordan - A Field Study

  •  Ali Alzoubi    
  •  Jamal Afeef    
  •  Yasser Momani    
  •  Khaled Aldiabat    


The study aimed to determine the compatibility of the student services provided to the students of accounting departments in business schools with the standards of academic quality assurance in Jordan through three aspects: academic guidance, support services and graduates services. A questionnaire was prepared and distributed to (245) students and (46) faculty members. The responses of the study sample were described by using the arithmetic mean, frequencies and ANOVA test that was used to test the hypotheses at the  level of significance ( 0.05=α).

One of the main findings of the study is that there is no agreement between students and faculty members in accounting departments on the compatibility of the services provided to the students with the standards of Jordanian academic quality assurance, despite the existence of some quality services offered by faculties and departments to students. The study recommends a comprehensive review of the services provided to students, a focus on services provided to graduates, and further studies.

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