Do Economic Reforms Spur Bancarisation Rate in the CEMAC Region? Empirical Analysis

  •  Gérard Tchouassi    


The aim of this paper is to empirically analyze the effect of the economic reforms on the bancarisation rate in the Central Africa Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC). Data of six countries from the sub-region from 2001 to 2011 was used in a generalized method of moment (GMM) modeling framework. The following results are obtained: Financial liberalization has facilitated the opening of bank accounts. The opening of bank accounts demand is an increasing function of Gross Domestic Product per capita. The literacy rate contributes to the improvement of financial and banking services. Public and private infrastructures promote decentralization and delocalization of the banking network to smaller cities and rural areas. Institutional reforms work best for increasing the bancarisation rate where financial and banking activities are weak. So, the economic policy to be implemented is to continue the economic and financial reforms and ameliorate the quality of the institutions in the CEMAC region.

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