The Rhetoric and Translation of English Advertisement

  •  Xiang Xu    


Advertisement is the major way of promoting sales. To achieve this aim, the AD language gets used to reinforce the effect with the help of rhetoric devices such as simile, metaphor, personification, pun, rhyme, etc. In term of the difference between English and Chinese, some translation methods including Literal Translantion, Free Translation and Modulation could be skillfully used during the time of translating rhetoric devices. Because almost all kinds of subject knowledge and commerce knowledge are involved in translation course, not only should the translator have abundant language skills and fertile fanciful abilities, but also understand commerce psychology and sales strategy. Thus, the translation contents could be pricisely restored. With the beautiful words and expressions and the easiness of reciting aloud, the final version of translation can be able to serve the purpose of promotinmg sales.

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