A Brief Analysis on the Two Chinese Versions of Pride and Prejudice from the Perspective of Ideology

  •  Feng Zhang    


Pride and Prejudice, owing to its romantic and superb language, enjoys a great audience and has at least five Chinese versions in circulation. Among them are two versions which are translated by the most authoritative translators published in China: the version translated by Wang Keyi and the version translated by Sun Zhili. The former got its first edition in 1956 while the latter was first published in the year of 1994. In terms of the ideology, the different features of the versions are shown. Ideology, the “invisible hand” manipulating translation practice, has certain influence to the two Chinese versions. This thesis tries to analyze the influence of ideology in and out of the text to the versions of Pride and Prejudice, which will lead to a new way for the translation criticism in the future.

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