Chinese EFL Students’ Perspectives on the Integration of Technology

  •  Ming Zhu    
  •  Jiemin Bu    


This study explores the centrality of the technology integration to Chinese EFL students' experiences in College English instruction. Students involved in this qualitative and quantitative study described the effectiveness of Web-based instructional environments (WBIEs) facilitated by the WebNing course management systems. Sources that were used for data analysis include online survey and oral interviews. The study demonstrates that students perceive the advantages of using Web-based instruction (WBI). They feel that the WBI greatly enhances their experiences by (1) developing their writing skills through online essay, (2) improving their communication skills through online discussion and (3) providing greater learner autonomy. Besides, Web-based learning empowers students to be actively involved in the learning process and to be responsible for their own learning. The findings of this study provide a useful reference point for those educators contemplating the implementation of a web-based instruction.

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