Are There Effective Accounting Ways to Determining Accurate Accounting Tools and Methods to Reporting Emissions Reduction?

  •  Ali Ali Almihoub    
  •  Joseph M. Mula    
  •  Mohammad Rahman    


Over the last century, many studies have used accounting methods and tools in focusing on environmental issues. This paper introduces readers to developments within the appropriate accounting tools designed to support firms and sectors reduction energy use as well as reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions. Current practice of traditional accounting (to date) has not covered environmental costs. Using Activity Based Costing could help firms to increase their understanding of sustainability and how to develop way to incorporate opportunity costs of environmental activities which are becoming significant issues on stakeholders. Moreover, an environmental management accounting approach can enhance information available on emissions to be more accurate. The net present value and internal rate of return also are considered the biggest hurdles to enhancing sustainability in business. This paper concludes that there is considerable potential to use environmental management accounting approach which is based on actual data to obtain more accurate information.

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