The Power of Social and Political Networking for Recruitment and Promotion for Strategic Positions: A Gender Perspective on Work Relations at Workplaces
- Dewan Mahboob Hossain
- Rohaiza Rokis
Gender issues at the workplaces receive immense importance from the researchers all over the world. This studyemphasizes on the core questions: how men and women maintain networks in the organizations and whethertheir networking strategies are different from each other. Most of the studies on this issue conducted so far aremainly based on the developed economic-based nations. This particular study however looks into this issue inthe context of a developing economy of Bangladesh. By taking an old, well-reputed and large public Universityas a case, this study concludes that men and women have different networking strategies. Women’s networksmainly revolve around women. Moreover, women are not that much interested in establishing and maintainingnetworks like men in the workplaces. Rather, women remain more concerned with their family affairs. Thesesituations apparently do not directly beneficial to women on a whole. Working women are deprived fromrecruitment, promotion and obtaining strategic positions at the workplaces. Men, on the other hand, due to theirsolid and significant social networking manage to maintain positive working avenues and therefore secure theirpositions further.